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Who can fire the FTC for not doing their job? Natural News enthusiasts want to know


What organization or regulatory agency is responsible for making sure the FTC does their job? Who fires the people in charge if they are just floundering, overlooking the biggest problem they could ever face, should ever face, but aren’t? Who handles that? Are there still any checks and balances in the system in the USA, or is that “old school?” The time is now for the FTC to jump on the Obamacare website hoax and hold someone accountable, or they should be held accountable for not doing their jobs. The Health Ranger and Natural News “investigate” this lack of checks and balances, and a proven history of regulatory fraud leading up to this:


Are the FDA and the Obama Healthcare.gump cohorts “in bed” together? Did they know the website didn’t work well in advance? Did they actually plan for failure? We want to know. The FTC should be investigating, and the people need to take control in the voting booths if they don’t.




No private entity would EVER be able to get away with this, but the Government of the United States is not a private business, instead a monopoly “mother ship” type of business. You mean you didn’t know? They’re simply not going to audit themselves, much less prosecute themselves. It’s like the Empire Strikes back and Darth Vader is President. Does Obama run the FTC? “Orson Swindle (no, that is not a made-up name), head of the FTC from 1997 to 2005, told the online magazine that, had been a private entity, it would be "taken to the shed and horsewhipped" by government regulators.”

So who is going to whip this computer nightmare into shape? Who is going to “whip” the creators and regulators of a website that is corrupt, with fake information, a labyrinth of technical problems, and a surprise failure mechanism that insures the crash and burn of the individual healthcare market, and then some! Who is going to prosecute these repeat offenders, who PREMIDITATED this crime? Natural News has something to say about the on line fiasco that’s endangering millions of Americans by dropping their insurance because they can’t even get through to see what their “options” are:


“… this is something the administration - and the president - knew simply was not true []. That is most assuredly a classic example of deceptive advertising that is punishable under Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act.

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