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Showing posts from May, 2013

A “cavalcade of injustices” floods America and people are escalating the protests

  When people are expecting “the end” they pray. When men and women are on death row and know they’re going to die, they see their lives flash before their eyes, and just before the lethal injection or the electrocution, they say something powerful, either out loud or just to themselves, in hopes of some kind of redemption, or saving grace, or maybe somehow, miraculously, they’ll be saved and be able to change things, in this life, or maybe even in the next.   All the same, when people see, hear, feel and experience tragedy, they pray and join forces. After 9/11, one of the strongest joining of heartfelt forces sent a wave of positivity throughout the U.S. and people were less judgmental and more about helping each other, at least for a little while. Today, we all feel the “heat” and the angst of the recession, depression, impending financial apocalypse, and the threat of GMO food takeover. Today, we all feel the threat of disease and soil destruction. Today, we all f

On Natural Health Radar: Hey omnivores, what’s for dinner: Grass fed or grain fed?

  Most people make decisions regarding which meat to choose to eat based on which animal they crave, cow, chicken, turkey or pig. Some people think, thanks to mass media, that if they just cut back on red meat or maybe pork, that they’ll be better off.   Other people think if they cut down on the quantity or frequency of meat consumption that will be a formula for good health. However, if all of your choices are bad ones, then cutting back doesn’t change big picture much at all. On popular health websites, we often hear about grass fed, free range, no hormones, no antibiotics, humane conditions and other family farm safe and healthy practices. We also hear about kosher ways of keeping and preparing meat, but most surface type browsing for knowledge doesn’t change peoples’ core habits, so let’s delve further into what benefits come from consuming animals that are grass fed and live their whole lives chemical free, including not consuming pesticide-laden GMO feed. http://www.

No U.S. Presidents ever promote organic food – why not?!

  The US Government, it seems, always had a problem with terms such as organic, nutritious, etc. Have you ever heard any US President promoting organic or real foods? Whilst it has been found out that they avoid genetically modified foods in their own houses, food laws are about to be changed at the behest of some biotech industry giant so that they can make more profits. On the other hand, the public health can go for a toss and the government is not bothered. Natural News has found out about the double take of white House on GMO foods.   Find out this in details by browsing through the link:   When the elite, all over the world, are going for organic food, what is wrong with promoting the same for the masses? The popular media, too, is silent about natural remedies, nutrition and disease prevention. It has become an accepted way in the US where no discussions on natural

The hidden (toxic) truth behind U.S. multi-vitamins and scary, contaminated imports

According to research performed by Natural News , the conventional multivitamins that are sold in the market place are full of synthetic chemicals under the hidden tagline of vitamins. These are widely sold at various pharmaceutical and grocery stores and people are mostly unaware of the fraudulent facts related with these. There are various isolated and synthetic products used, namely ascorbic acid, niacin and more, which can cause more harm than good. In order to avoid such negative circumstances, one can take the help of food based nutrition which comes from genuine nutritious products and without any side effects. It clearly states that the necessary minerals and vitamins come from genuine food sources. For more info, log onto Other than that, it has also been proven that the agents used in chemotherapy treatment, that is so haphazardly widespread, come from mustard gas weapons that w

Shocker! Natural News reveals that PSA testing causes cancer while Laetrile kills it!

  PSA a total fraud: Read this: The conventional cancer treatment methods create more cancer than they actually cure. According to Natural News 99.9 percent of Prostate Specific Antigen tests yield inconclusive results. The only sure result is that those who go through a PSA test needlessly get exposed to risks of getting infected with cancer.   The problem is so dire that the American Urological Association or AUA has announced that men below the age of 55 or over 70 need not undergo this test at all, reports Natural News . This suddenly renders the long reliable prostate cancer screening method not only useless but dangerous as well. Know more of this horrifying story at .   Urologists have divided men according to their ages and have specified who should undergo PSA testing and who should not. Men below the age of 40 should never undergo the test, Men aged betw

Super Health Links and Blogs on the Radar of Natural News

    There is only one way to "surthrive" in this world, and that's the organic way: Eat organic food and brain food for more enlightenment daily. Educate yourself about Superfoods right now and know forever. Learn more here:   Don’t eat cancer! That means don’t eat cancer causing food, like GMO food, and don’t drink fluoridated water. Learn more here:   Quit smoking or tell someone who wants to they can quit in 14 days or less, naturally, with this 60 minute video download available at Natural News and recommended by the Health Ranger, Mike Adams. Learn more and watch the preview trailer by Mike Adams, here:     Blogs that empower:  

On the Health Radar for May of 2013: Reason why Fracking is compared with silent death

According to Natural News , Fracking can be stated as a modern technical aspect that is mainly used by the oil industry in order to help the flow of petroleum and natural gas. It is done by injecting large amount of noxious liquid inside the earth. This is high in toxins and one of the major ways to destroy the environment and pollute the land and water bodies located nearby. It also affects the health condition of those people who are living quite close to the affected area. It is an ideal weapon which “fuels” the genocide-like contamination of the supply of food in U.S. For detailed information, please log onto: The latest report has been released by Congressional Committee on Energy and Commerce, where it is clearly mentioned that large amounts of chemical toxins are used in Fracking. Though it is obvious that the oiling industry is going to deny the harmful effects related to

Weather patterns so severe in U.S., entire national food supply threatened:

  Mike Adams, the Health Ranger has report Turn off the TV. Throw away the newspaper. Cancel delivery. Use the NY lying times for kindling in your fireplace or firepit out back at your next veggie BBQ. Laugh at CNN and the weather channel, then change the channel before they run an advertisement about some crazy pharmaceutical for your pain, which makes you blind, deaf and dumb as a side effect. Tune into natural news and get the real update on how weather is affecting your livelihood, your wallet, your longevity. At least a dozen articles are published every day on natural news, and ongoing coverage of severe weather patterns and all of their “unnatural” causes, in a realistic review that doesn’t try to “predict and lie” like the TV does. Understand what you should be doing to prepare your home, garden, farm, and storage of goods that will last through a crisis and help you stay self sufficient when the politicians of this great nation seize the BIG FOOD SUPPLY. http:/