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Showing posts from September, 2014

USA's plan to install GMO in Ukraine and ruin the "breadbasket" of Russia

  Can the IMF implement the cultivation of GMO corps in war stricken Ukraine? Isn’t the cultivation of GMO corps is banned in Ukraine? According to Natural News , on July 28, the California-based Oakland Institute released a report revealing that the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), under terms of their $17 billion loan to Ukraine, would open that country to genetically modified (GM) crops and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture. The report is entitled "Walking on the West Side: the World Bank and the IMF in the Ukraine Conflict." As per CounterPunch , in late 2013, Viktor Yanukovych, who was then president of Ukraine, turned down an agreement with the European Union that was tied to a $17 billion International Monetary Fund loan; the terms of that agreement are just now becoming known. Instead, the Ukrainian leader chose an aid package from Russia which amounted to about $15 billion, in addition to a discount on Russian

E-cig secondhand vapors contain heavy metal toxins - Now what to do? Quit before New Year's Eve!!

  New TOXIC elements entering the air as e-cig vapors COME OUT everywhere! We knew it! Natural News health enthusiasts are always thinking outside the box and ahead of the curve. We all suspected that e-cigs, or "electronic cigarettes" were not such a great idea for the non-smokers, who sit around wondering if there's nicotine, heavy metal toxins, or just plain processed poison coming out of the mouths and lungs of the e-cig fanatics, who seem to puff on these things even more often and heavier than the cigarettes themselves.   Could LEAD be coming out? Yes, according to new research, and FOUR TIMES the amount of cigarette exhale (second hand smoke).   Nickel, zinc and chromium are also coming out of E-cigs into the rooms where smoking was banned, and is banned. Oooops. Are babies breathing in nicotine too??   CARTRIDGES RELEASE HEAVY METAL VAPORS!   It's only been about 3 years since e-cigs went "viral" and now billions are sp