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Showing posts from March, 2014

Mutated Cell Disorder “MCD”

    Most people are scared to death of catching some disease that will kill them within months, so they get vaccines and convince themselves they won’t, but you can’t “psych-out” an illness, so where does that leave them? Other people are scared to death of dying when they’re 40 or 50 of some heart disease or heart attack, so they try not to eat and drink chemicals daily, but you can’t guess in the dark at GMO, so where does that leave them? Dying in months? Maybe so! If you get a flu shot that contains MSG, aluminum and mercury, and then actually catch the flu, you could wind up in the hospital within a few days, only to catch some Super virus and Super bacteria called SuperBugs and that will lead your sickness into a tailspin, from which you never recover. It happens to hundreds of people every day in the grand ole U.S. of A.   “MCD” or Mutated Cell Disorder is a disease of the cells that can kill you, indirectly, within a few years now, or even months. For smokers w

Certain foods cause more damage than repair! Beware!

According to Natural News , both Garden of Life and Sunwarrior joined an unprecedented agreement to achieve specific heavy metal limits in their protein products by July 1, 2015. Boku Superfood immediately signed on to the agreement after it was first announced. Mike Adams, editor of and the lead researcher who originally identified tungsten in brown rice protein products, explains that the majority of brown rice proteins tested in the Forensic Food Lab showed levels of tungsten, an industrial heavy metal that's just now getting noticed in the food industry. The agreement is the first ever voluntary heavy metals limit ever achieved in the natural products industry. "This marks a milestone for food safety and protections for consumers," said Adams, who led the agreement discussions. The agreement limits heavy metals in protein products to: ·         Lead limit: 250 ppb ·         Tungsten limit: 50 ppb ·         Cadmium limit: 1000

Combine willpower and guidance and any smoker can easily overcome cigarette addiction!

According to Natural News , cigarette smoke is a complex mixture of chemicals. Cells in the human body are exposed to this toxic heavy metal combination and incur oxidative damage on the DNA level. The metal particles are carried in the cigarette smoke and inflict significant direct DNA damage, whether using "filtered" cigarettes or not. The result is a genotoxic response of different lung cell types to concentrations of complex combinations of heavy metals mixed with ammonia, herbicide and pesticide. The tip of a cigarette burns at 1,700 degrees Fahrenheit during the inhalation, so what happens when one is mixing chemicals with heavy metals at 1,700 degrees? How much cadmium and lead is one smoking, literally? What is this doing to his/her body, and what are the genotoxic and carcinogenic properties of the cigarette smoke that one is inhaling? Finally, does one know what the inorganic human carcinogenic compounds are, and are they making one less human? For more

School textbooks, newspapers and TV news all "dumbed down" to keep America voting for evil politicians

  “Common Core” curriculum in U.S. bent on crafting idiots, Feds spear-head the “Neanderthals” with stupid problems to solve. How can a child ever learn to think on his/her feet when all you give them are multiple choice questions? Sometimes the answers to life are designed on the spot, they’re not all presented as A, B, C, D or all or none of the above.   How can a child develop his/her brain when all you give them to solve are fill-in-the-blank questions? Again, this does not require the child to figure anything out, only to recall rote memory skills and dates and names.   How can a child ever make split decisions, and not stress out about them, if they learn math that has nothing to do with the real world? Business math should be core curriculum, not confusing word problems that don’t even have any relevancy to the real world, and real application to modern day life.   Kids are brilliant and technical, but they are also organic beings that like challenges

Get unhooked from the in-human cigarette and heavy metal toxins! - Natural News inside story

What amounts of heavy metals are deposited in your body if you smoke a pack of cigarettes every day? What if you smoke two packs a day? Heavy metal toxicity feeds the vicious cycle of needing super-strong nicotine to provide temporary relief from heavy metal toxic overload, also known as the "aspirin for the cigarette hangover." Find out what it means to your body to be smoking the heavy metals in cigarettes at 250 to 500 inhalations per day. What the heck are you REALLY smoking? If you really knew, you could quit. It's time to find out HOW to quit. The tip of a cigarette burns at 1,700 degrees Fahrenheit during the inhalation, so what happens when you mix chemicals with heavy metals at 1,700 degrees? How much cadmium and lead are you smoking, literally? What is this doing to your body, and what are the "genotoxic" and carcinogenic properties of the cigarette smoke that you inhale? Finally, do you know what the inorganic human carcinogenic com

All too familiar “polio-like” illnesses strike California children – maybe they have NPAFP - Non-Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis

  The story of five children with poor limb function in California has apparently hit the “world media” – well, I mean the U.S. mainstream media, like a bombshell, and everyone is starting to worry about a Polio outbreak that could hit like a Tsunami!   These five children have Polio-like syndrome, sources are saying. Quick, check to see if they are from India , or if they were living there 3 years ago, when Polio was supposedly wiped out with vaccines! If it’s enterovirus-68 – well then, quarantine the cluster of five “leppers” because that will keep them away from the rest of the herd. Yes, America the herders. We love our herding theory. Get those unvaccinated, healthy kids away from our infected vaccinated kids who have come down with some weird (GMO) version of the real thing, the one that paralyzes whole nations, except for America , where everyone has built up antibodies to defeat it! ( Two children tested positive for enterovirus-68, a rare virus previously