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Showing posts from 2016

Monsanto to be acquired by Bayer, the Nazi-era IG Farben 'crimes against humanity' poison chemical company

It is altogether fitting that Monsanto, the world's most evil corporate monster, is now going to be acquired by Bayer, the Nazi-era war crimes chemical company that committed crimes against humanity. The price of this demonic acquisition that will spell doom for humanity? A mere $66 billion. "German drug and crop chemical maker Bayer clinched a $66 billion takeover of U.S. seeds company Monsanto on Wednesday," reports Reuters . "If the deal closes, it will create a company commanding more than a quarter of the combined world market for seeds and pesticides in the fast-consolidating farm supplies industry." Reuters goes on to explain, "What the newly-formed company would be named is unclear." Introduced MonSatanFarben   The combined name, of course, should be "MonSatanFarben" because Bayer is an offshoot of Interessengemeinschaft Farben , the Nazi-era chemical company that worked with Adolf Hitler to develop and deploy deadl

New Book by Health Ranger just published! How to READ labels for toxins

99 Health Ranger Rules for Reading Food and Product Labels: How to avoid disease-causing toxins in foods, supplements, personal care products and medicines Just for Kindle: Only $2.99. Could save your life, prevent cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's, and more! Great shopping guide too. Highly recommend. Introduction : You see these health conscious people at grocery stores, standing there in the aisles and at the produce bins, for extended periods of time, diligently reading the labels on everything they’re considering purchasing, but how in the world do they know what they’re reading? It seems these days the ingredients list for one product is longer than your entire weekly grocery list, and contains words that seem bigger than the longest word in the English language, “pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis.” Who RE

Attention 22 Million American Women Smokers: You are what you eat, drink, smoke, and put on your skin!

No smoker in the world wants to hear other people telling them they should quit smoking, and how smoking is SO bad for you, and all the lectures about second-hand smoke. Most smokers already have guards, or "walls" they've put up–rules that they're relatives, friends, coworkers and even neighbors can't talk to them about quitting smoking or the repercussions or they'll "get shut down"–that conversation will either change subjects or end on the spot. "Yeah ... I gotta get goin' man ..." or "Yeah, lung cancer, I know, so anyway ..."   Then there's the diet soda fans and addicts. They actually believe that because the artificial sweeteners brag about no calories, that they're not getting fatter. Bad news for ALL of you. The fake sugars are so STRONG that they're like the MSG of sugars, but instead of an unbearable migraine headache, your body quietly longs for real sugar, and gets hungrier and hungrier

Everything you eat, drink, smoke, or put on your skin that's not natural does your body harm.

  It's time to turn this whole health thing about face! If you try to detoxify your body from harmful chemicals, synthetic foods, heavy metal toxins, and so on, but you just ate gluten with the last 5 meals, you may be waiting quite a while for some results, especially the ones you can feel.   That's really what it's all about, how we feel. If you want to get anything done, and done right, you want to feel well during the effort, and when you're done too, so you can enjoy and appreciate the results. That could mean a good pay check, great health, good times traveling or shopping, or simply peace of mind and relaxation.   If you want to quit smoking cigarettes, the best plan is to quit sugar, gluten, and hydrogenated oils first, for a week, and then think about the best plan for detoxifying your system. You gotta start with some greens, some spring water, and some fresh, raw organic vegetables, and then get to the big task in a week or so. Then aga

Over 42,000,000 Americans STRESS OUT every hour of every day ­– then smoke a cigarette

  Stress is defined as your body's way of responding to any kind of demand or threat. When you feel threatened, your nervous system responds by releasing a flood of stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol , which rouse the body for "necessary" action. But is it really necessary? How necessary is most of our stress? Is it called for, or uncalled for? Does it solve problems better–the worry, the doubting, the sulking, the wallowing, the angst?   Anxiety is an emotion characterized by an unpleasant state of inner turmoil, often accompanied by nervous behavior, often accompanied by feelings of dread over anticipated events, including the fear of imminent death. This can be in regards to a real threat, a perceived threat, or just the expectation of a future threat. Ultimately, anxiety is a FEELING of fear and uneasiness that can be very generalized and overreactive. Having panic attacks does not necessarily mean one has a disorder, though, as most ps

Bad medical advice and exactly WHAT it "gets you" - an early grave!

What if you go to the doctor to get advice on how to quit cigarettes and he or she writes you a prescription for a drug that is supposed to block your "nicotine receptors" in your brain so that even if you do smoke, your brain can't access the nicotine, and you won't have any more cravings? What if that same doctor informs you of the side effects, all in the name of being honest and forthright, and you sit and not only listen to the list, but you process it in your brain, wondering whether these side effects are better, or worse, than the ill-health effects your getting from cigarettes? At what point in our "great country" did medicine become so corrupt, where anyone has to actually consider whether "side effects" of medication could mean permanent health damage and possibly the death of you? Are cigarettes worse or the stop-smoking-medications? You be the judge. Many people sue the pharmaceutical corporations that manufacture these "

Are you the Master of your own domain? Take charge of your health so nobody has to "save you"

   It really sucks having to be saved because you put yourself in harm's way, over and over again. Nobody likes to have to borrow money, or be taken to the hospital by friends, spouse or relatives, or be saved by firemen from a burning apartment or house. Nobody wants to lie in a hospital bed for weeks or even months, running up tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills that will hang over your head until you die, leaving relatives in dire straights trying to cover for all your health mayhem, that could have been avoided. Nobody likes spending $1,500 to $3,000 a year on cancer sticks that make them cough violently every time they try to laugh hard, or every morning when they wake up and get out of bed. And worse, nobody, and I mean NOBODY, wants to go on toxic chemotherapy and be nauseous and have a crippled immunity until they die, but that's what happens to thousands and thousands of smokers. But it doesn't have to. You can make a lifestyle choice that chan