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Showing posts from December, 2013

'Make profit, forget about the safety of patients' seems to be the motto of the Medicine World!

  According to Natural News , several colleagues from the Harvard School of Public Health recently reported that 1.8 million Medicare beneficiaries age 65 or older died in 2008, and over 34% were operated on during their last year, 25% in their last month and 10% in their last week of life. Other studies show that just the stress of surgery and poor conditions of hospitals are adding to mortality rates, including post-surgery pneumonia and heart attacks. To throw salt in the wound, the nation's 175 lowest quality hospitals are actually the costliest institutions. The Medicare website for reporting unnecessary and inappropriate surgeries describes it as being an operation for a condition that could effectively be treated with medication or physical therapy. Unfortunately, there is nothing listed about nutrition, vitamins or supplements of any kind. In fact, there is no doctor in the country who can mention natural remedies without endangering his or her license to

And you thought prescription drugs were safe to consume?

According to Natural News , Death by Modern Medicine: Seeking Safe Solutions , written by Dr. Carolyn Dean, outlines the statistics and issues within several other categories of prescription drugs that have caused deaths despite being properly prescribed and used. Dr. Dean's latest book has uncovered even more statistics of iatrogenic (medically caused) death than her original paper, "Death by Medicine." The death toll has gone up to almost 900,000 annually from various areas that include hospital stays, surgeries, incorrect or unnecessary procedures and prescriptions. But the highest death toll comes with adverse reactions from "correctly prescribed" medications and procedures. Over the counter drugs (OTC) haven't been included in these statistics, but OTC sleeping pills and Tylenol (acetaminophen) are responsible for many more ER visits and deaths. Also not included are permanent disabilities from vaccines and other drugs. The numbers ar

The Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics – say that 3 times really fast – it just doesn’t seem to “flow”

    Most people get second and third opinions when it comes to their health, when they have serious conditions or surgery to consider. Is that because they fear some doctors are like used car salesmen or mechanics, who might sell them a “bill of goods” that aren’t even necessary, or worse, leaves you with a “lemon?” Do doctors who perform unnecessary surgeries even know? Do they care? If they do know, can they do anything about it?   Most people, and not ALL of them, believe the government is corrupt in some ways, especially “Big Pharma” - and many, many books have been written about the FDA being crooked, a bunch of crooks over the past 8 to 10 decades, but how many people have read those books. How long have the FDA, the AMA and the CDC been in bed together?   (is the FDA really the FRAUD and Drug Administration?)

Obamacare – The Great Swindle by the U.S. Government

  According to Natural News , of all the toxic heavy metals, mercury is the most devastating to the brain. No legitimate scientist would ever argue that mercury is safe to inject into a child at any dose, and the CDC has never established any "safe" level of mercury in human blood for the simple reason that there isn't any safe level. Yet the New York City Board of Health has now decided that all children in New York City need to be injected with a devastating dose of toxic mercury as part of their twisted "public health" measure. Flu shots, of course, still contain the neurotoxic heavy metal known as mercury, yet virtually the entire medical establishment blatantly lies to the public and claims -- with a straight face -- that "all the mercury has been removed from vaccines." For more information, log onto: Uncover the absolutely s

Happiness Foods – The Natural News Inside “Scoop” on body and mind balance

  “We are what we eat. As Hippocrates stated long ago, "Let food be thy medicine." Each day we have the choice to nourish our bodies with nutrient-dense foods or poison ourselves with processed, empty calories. Recalling how our great-grandparents ate is one of the best guidelines. One of my favorite kitchen magnets states: "Try organic food...or as your grandparents called it, 'Food.'" True behavior modification begins with carefully regulating the food and supplements you eat daily. That is step one. Balanced mental health stems from physical health and vice versa. They go hand in hand, or hand in “mind” one should say. Since your brain and your heart are “best friends” lets make sure they are treating each other with total respect and kindness, and not fueling arguments (imbalance) with toxic foods or toxic supplements, even ones we may have thought were good for us. Here we go.   Many people try to “watch” what they eat, for the mos

Who would have thought most of modern medicine causes disease instead of curing it?

According to Natural News , the big question people should be asking is “Exactly when does this non-contagious, non-inherited "disorder" of the cells begin, so modern science can really find that cure?” According to Dr. Joel Fuhrman, "It is very unusual to be born with DNA damage. This sort of damage builds up over time from exposure to toxins or a lack of micronutrients. The micronutrients in greens not only prevent such damage; they also repair and rebuild any damage that may have occurred. The changes to a cell's DNA that lead to cancer are called 'epigenetic.' They are gradual changes that occur over time and accumulate until there is sufficient change to overcome normal cell control mechanisms. Cancer doesn't just pop up; it occurs after many years of self-abuse.” Cancer starts with a lack of knowledge about what you are eating and what you put on your skin. Cancer ends with knowledge about organic food, organic natural remedies and juic

Make Oregano and Olive Leaf a part of your daily life!

  According to Natural News , in their book Beyond Antibiotics: Healthier Options for Families , Michael A. Schmidt, Lendon H. Smith and Keith W. Sehnert explain how essential plant oils possess unique antimicrobial properties that naturally fight and eliminate harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi. And the essential oil of oregano in particular, which survivalists and "preppers" alike are discovering is a top choice for staying healthy during a crisis, is arguably the most potent and effective antimicrobial in the essential oil family. "[O]ne of the advantages essential oils [like oil of oregano] have over antibiotics is that bacteria do not develop resistance to essential oils," explains the book, Beyond Antibiotics: Healthier Options for Families . "[A]nother advantage to essential oils is that some actually stimulate immune function." For more information, log onto:

ADHD – The new disease on the block – Teenagers beware!

  According to Natural News and recently published information from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an astounding 20-plus percent of all 14-year-old boys in the United States have been diagnosed, at one time or another over the course of their lives, with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) - a condition that is, of course, treated with dangerous medications. As reported by : The study also said more than 20 percent of 11-year-old boys had been diagnosed with ADHD at some point in their lives. The study indicated that American boys were 125 percent more likely than girls to be diagnosed with ADHD, and that boys were 127 percent more likely than girls to be medicated for it. 13.3 percent of American 11-year-old boys are being medicated for ADHD, said the study. That's incredible; one in five American teenaged boys have been "diagnosed" with this "disorder." For more information, log onto:

Stop Smoking Naturally with 14AndOut! Part I "Cigarette Hangover"

Quit Smoking before 2014 with 14AndOut Natural Method!     If you have the will, 14andOut is the Way!!   Where there is a will, there is a way: 14AndOut is my revolutionary invention which helps smokers quit the habit naturally in 14 days or less. Since it’s creation about two years ago, tons of positivity has poured in and out, from emails to compliments to people enjoying their freedom from nicotine. I am so happy for everyone who purchased the program, including the video, which sold over 600 copies for 2012. That’s 600 people avoiding cancer and tuning into their natural, spiritual life that cigarettes were trying to rob them of. They are free to feel good without guilt and without the weight of all of those chemicals.   Every summer I attend the David Wolfe seminar in Baltimore to learn more about everything from Superfoods to natural remedies to more tools for smokers who wan

Wait, did you think Truvia or Purevia were the same as stevia? You’re wrong – they’re GMO!

  So what makes something GMO? Do you know? How long have you been using artificial sweeteners, switching from one to another, one bad cancer causing fake sugar to the next, from one little pink or yellow packet of super sweet no calorie cell mutator to a little blue packet of super sweet low-to-no calorie cell mutation powder?   What’s your mitochondria strangulating favorite, is it Equal, Sweet-n-Low, Splenda, Truvia or Purevia? Does it contain Sucralose and Sorbitol, or was it acesulfame potassium, I can’t remember. Maybe your sweet stuff is made of phenylketonurics containing phenylalanine. If you can’t say it, don’t eat it. If it leaves that funny, weird, slippery aftertaste like diet sodas, don’t go near it! If they take something from nature, mix it and cook it in a laboratory with some mutated corn sugar and bacteria, well, it’s not “natural” anymore, and it should never enter the human body, but its “legal” according to the FDA, and it’s wrapped up in little squ

If I told you that all of your food was dead, simply void of nutrients, would you still waste your money buying more?

  Dead food is no conspiracy or conspiracy theory, it's just DEAD. You see, once soil is drenched in pesticides, the nutrients are dead, and it can take 3 to 5 years of knowing what you are doing to change that soil to organic, or at least a state where it contains some nutrients. Most people don’t think about it, but food that grows in soil gets all of its nutrients from that soil, so if the soil is loaded up with RoundUp, say, and then watered over and over with fluoridated water which also contains heavy metals and chlorine, then that soil is useless for growing beneficial food, even if the vegetation still looks normal (or close enough to normal that Big Food can die it and polish it).   MICROWAVES KILL FOOD: If you take organic food that is grown in organic (or nutrient worthy) soil, and then you put it in your microwave oven, all the nutrients are obliterated, cooked to smithereens, in fact, worse, the water molecules are agitated at such a rate that you are l

Attention all 14 year-old boys who have energy, intelligence, creativity, and eat junk food – you have ADHD!

Are you a teenage boy or do you have a child around that age? Maybe you remember when you son was 10 or 12 and seemed hyper. How many kids are smarter than the “dumbed down” American curriculum, where you beat that dead horse over and over with the same “fact” based data and multiple choice tests, year after year? How many kids listen to the teacher for the first 10 – 15 minutes of class and then get bored while the teacher repeats what they said, for all the “not so intelligent” kids, who have been subjected to too many vaccines, flu shots, fluoridated water, MSG and aspartame?   How many kids, age 6 to 14 want to be challenged day in and day out, and want to use critical thinking skills and brainstorm and plan with their classmates? Instead its all about memorizing the date when Christopher Columbus landed to murder the Indians, or what the name of the three boats full of sick dying people were called.   How many boys are adventurous, love sports, have energy li

Let me ask you some questions about electronic cigarettes I bet you can’t answer

  Read the questions first, then attempt to take a quick guess at the answer in your head, and then we will look into the answers. Your natural news quiz about e-cigs begins now:   What is the measurement in milligrams of nicotine that you get with each drag? Can you tell me even approximately, whether it’s about 15, 50 or 100 milligrams? If a human were to eat 10 cigarette butts, he/she would die. So what’s the dose in an e-cig cartridge?   Did you know you can overdose on nicotine, especially if it is not diluted?   Does the FDA regulate electronic cigarettes (e-cigs), their manufacturing, distribution, sale, resale, and what about the “nic-juice” or “e-juice” in the cartridges, how much is the maximum and are there any regulations or inspections for the companies that “load” them up with hopefully diluted nicotine?   Can anyone make nicotine juice in their garage and sell it on line across the world, without any regulations, business license,