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Extortion committed by U.S. Government is legal and is “policy” – according to #8 book on NY Times bestseller list


What if Washington DC was all about threatening corporations with legislation that would slash their profits but then never passing that legislation as long as they were paid off with bribes? Would that be extortion? You bet it is. It’s like a threat that never happens as long as you put your cash on the table and walk away. Crony capitalism, or the ART of EXTORTION, is nothing new, but it is taking over nearly all rule of law, and it’s crippling our economy and human rights. The hapless masses are voting for mayors, governors, representatives, senators, and the like, thinking they have some kind of say in politics, in regulations that protect industry, and those same hapless masses think the FDA is protecting food, and the CDC is trying to prevent disease outbreaks, and the NSA is out to protect us from terrorists, but all the while, politicians and corporations are part of a huge extortion network that runs so deep, common folk can’t even fathom the evil, and calling it conspiracy would be a huge understatement.


Most people think that lobbyists go to Washington DC representing companies who want legislation to “go their way” so they can make more money, but in reality, those lobbyists are emptying their wallets and purses so they won’t be destroyed. It’s a dog eat dog world of nasty crony capitalism, and there’s no end in sight. This is the old school of business, the protection racket, the MAFIA style government, and Natural News brings it all to light for those who want to understand how corrupt Corporate Amerika really is:


"It's one of the oldest and most effective forms of extortion: the protection racket," he writes in one chapter. "Pay me money and I will promise not to make your life miserable. Fail to pay and bad things will happen to you."


Organized crime is no joke. It’s alive and kicking in Washington DC. Extortion committed by U.S. Government is legal and is “policy” – Find out more on this now:


Mike Adams has been reporting on the MEDICAL MAFIA for years:


“The medical mafia struck another devastating blow to the health and freedom of all Americans. With the support of an inarguably corrupt Congress that has simply abandoned the real needs of the American people, the sick-care industry has locked in a high-profit scheme of disease and monopoly-priced pharmaceuticals in a nation that can ill afford either one.”

Learn more:


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