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Fukushima reaches California Beaches – America still under total Mass Media Blackout!


Don’t you worry about nothin’ America, just go about your day, working for the man and buying senseless, toxic products. Don’t worry about anything overseas, unless you happen to film something blowing up, then CNN will buy it from you and report the upside. There’s nothing going on in Japan and there’s no radiation at Fukushima. There was no tsunami and there was not nuclear plant built there that is collapsing in on itself, with spent fuel rods and a five story pool of “destruction” that needs to be moved but could eradicate the human species if done wrong. There is no company named Tepco. Also, according to science in Japan, if you drink alcohol and think happy thoughts then you are completely immune to radiation and Cesium 137, even though there’s no leaks and nothing to worry about, at all, anywhere, ever.


Yes, Natural News is covering the phenomenon, where mainstream media blacks out all talk of Fukushima radiation reaching California and the beaches of USA West coast, which also translates into radioactive contamination of the seafood, so there goes your “wild caught” menu!


Do you like feeling nauseas or losing your mind? Do you want to get Alzheimer’s or Arthritis when you’re young or old? Do you like lowering your IQ, or is it too late? Do you want to eat radioactive food and get cancer now or later? Do you still think organic always means organic, and do you believe organic or even “certified organic” means they checked for HEAVY METALS and nuclear toxins in your food? Think again. It doesn’t. The USDA neglects to check, so does the FDA. The EPA has unbelievably high acceptance levels of toxins, and our food far exceeds those levels, so now what?


The Health Ranger is researching what the FDA SHOULD HAVE DONE for decades. Yes, they are the FOOD and drug administration. Food. Food. Examine the food you lazy losers. Examine the food for contaminants – it’s your freakin job!


Well, since the FDA and the USDA don’t care, Mike Adams the Health Ranger is stepping up and searching not just for “radiated” food from China and Japan, but radiated food off the shore of Cali, and radiated food growing in America, and organic imports from China that are totally polluted with toxins, including supplements!


You can detoxify from Fukushima fallout food.


You can cleanse your body and stop eating the sick food.


You can learn the difference, it’s not overwhelming now that the Health Ranger is breaking down all the walls and showing us TRUE transparency. He has a food forensics lab and lawyers to protect his truth finding mission to expose the toxic food industry of America, of corporations, of big name retailers and chain stores, of restaurants and junk science! Here you go:


As Fukushima radiation makes landfall on California beaches, Natural News announces lab to test foods for radioactive cesium-137

Learn more:




Americans Exposed to Atomic Bomb Levels of Radiation through Medical Imaging, CT Scans, Mammograms
Learn more:




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