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Attention all 14 year-old boys who have energy, intelligence, creativity, and eat junk food – you have ADHD!

Are you a teenage boy or do you have a child around that age? Maybe you remember when you son was 10 or 12 and seemed hyper. How many kids are smarter than the “dumbed down” American curriculum, where you beat that dead horse over and over with the same “fact” based data and multiple choice tests, year after year? How many kids listen to the teacher for the first 10 – 15 minutes of class and then get bored while the teacher repeats what they said, for all the “not so intelligent” kids, who have been subjected to too many vaccines, flu shots, fluoridated water, MSG and aspartame?


How many kids, age 6 to 14 want to be challenged day in and day out, and want to use critical thinking skills and brainstorm and plan with their classmates? Instead its all about memorizing the date when Christopher Columbus landed to murder the Indians, or what the name of the three boats full of sick dying people were called.


How many boys are adventurous, love sports, have energy like a 6 month old puppy, and who only get to go outside or to the gymnasium for 30 minutes, if they’re lucky, any given day during school. We certainly don’t have martial arts, self defense, or indoor football for the middle school or high schools in the USA. How will they all feed those creative, energetic bodies and minds? Start with horrendous school food, chock full of GMO pesticide corn sugar, hormone laden meats, hormone laden milk, cooked dead vegetables, lots of GMO pizza and CAFO chicken, add in some MSG and soon some Aspartame milk (that’s not labeled). Next, teach smart energetic boys only rote memorization of distorted history, to match the plan for allopathic care that runs the country. Wait til all those boys start fiddling at their desks, looking out the window daydreaming, throwing paper footballs at each other, shooting spit balls and paper wads across the back of the classroom, then based their grades AND PERFORMANCE on only multiple choice tests and FILL IN THE BLANK exams. Add in some SOL government rated standardized SAT “prep” testing and you’ve got one of two kinds of students:


  1. Hyper, misdirected, bored, insulted, boys going crazy with the idiocracy of it all – who get taken to the doctor for some ADHD or ADD meds, that are made in a laboratory and which are NOT tested properly anyway, and this fosters depression, anxiety, sleeplessness, and sickness. This allopathic nonsense actually creates CNS – central nervous system disorders and turns the boys into zombies, eventually.
  2. Junior robots who are really good at memorizing “facts” and who can spit them out at will onto paper, whether by quiz, mid-term exam, end of the year exam, SOL testing, SAT testing, PSAT testing, and the corporate program to work as a mindless drone for some corporation is planted like a GMO seed in some RoundUp laden soil – just keep spraying!


This being reported on Natural News:

According to recently published information from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an astounding 20-plus percent of all 14-year-old boys in the
United States have been diagnosed, at one time or another over the course of their lives, with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) - a condition that is, of course, treated with dangerous medications.”


Here are more startling statistics from the Health Ranger at Natural***


* 13.3 percent of American 11-year-old boys are being medicated for ADHD,

** According to the CDC's study, the percentage of U.S. children between the ages of 4 and 17 years who have been labeled with the diagnosis rose to a mind-boggling 42 percent between 2003 and 2011.

***The study found that kids in public health programs like Medicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) were 53 percent more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than children with private health insurance.

Learn more:




How to beat ADHD without prescription drugs:




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