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“Cut & Burn for the Cure?” - I thought it was “Walk for the Cure,” but I was wrong

If you pour a bucket of toxic chemicals into the shallow end of a pool, is everyone who is swimming in the deep end safe? If you have a high fever, would it be smart to drain 1/4th of your blood to get that sickness out of you, as quickly as possible? If you have an infected finger, would it be wise to chop off your whole arm, from the shoulder down, just to be on the safe side? These may sound like stupid questions with simple answers, but is chemotherapy “stupid” because the doctors and oncologists are prescribing liquid chemicals and radiation to be “dumped” into your blood – yes – your ENTIRE body, in order to snuff out that little cancer spot, that tissue or organ that’s being attacked by bad cells full of carcinogens – those toxic synthetic lab “juices” that warp and mutate your cells?
Are the chemo doctors dumping toxins into the shallow end of the human “pool” of blood, hoping to kill that cancer that’s hanging out and multiplying, all while “protecting” those good cells in the deep end, in your heart, your brain, and your GUT?
Cut and burn medical methodology is archaic - meaning that only retarded cavemen would still use it. In a world where nobody eats chemicals, nor drinks chemicals nor injects them into their blood, people would be smart enough to realize this. In a world where people didn’t overindulge in processed food and then look for a cure in some pill or i.v. tube at the hospital, people would realize this. Cut and burn cancer care is really cut and burn cancer prolonging. If your car engine light comes on this week, will you cut the wire to the light and expect the problem to go away? Maybe if you use your common sense and spend about $10 or $15 more per grocery run, you could buy organic food and spring water, and you could buy organic vitamins instead of commercial Big Pharma ones, and you would have the cure for cancer and the prevention of cancer in your hands. Don’t feed the multi-billion dollar a year cancer industry another dime:
Most organic food and products have a reputation for being too expensive to purchase regularly, but what is a hundred times more expensive than organic products is the bill for chemical cancer treatments and invasive surgery, which don't even cure cancer, but send you to an early grave. Yes, there are a few instances where people wait too long to address cancer, and "last minute" ditch efforts to "cut and burn" the cancer away might work, but this is only proving true for about five percent of cancer victims, so it's time to address the top 10 "causes" before the "effect" becomes your early death.”

Learn more:
S.D. Wells of Natural News is reporting on the top 10 causes of Breast Cancer:
“Since chemotherapy was invented by Nazi scientists 70 years ago, and mammograms expose patients to radiation which causes cancer itself, let us forget everything we know for a few minutes about cancer prevention and cancer treatment, and take a common sense approach to this monster that's killing over 750,000 people a year in the United States alone. There IS A MIRACLE CURE for cancer, but it doesn't involve surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, pharmaceuticals, or any advice you would get from mainstream medicine doctors.”

Learn more: 
Last question: Does it sound archaic to use chemicals as medicine for a disease which is caused by eating and drinking chemicals? Don’t be a caveman or cavewoman. Learn the difference between Western “Medicine” and Natural medicine now:


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