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On Natural Health Radar: Hey omnivores, what’s for dinner: Grass fed or grain fed?


Most people make decisions regarding which meat to choose to eat based on which animal they crave, cow, chicken, turkey or pig. Some people think, thanks to mass media, that if they just cut back on red meat or maybe pork, that they’ll be better off.  Other people think if they cut down on the quantity or frequency of meat consumption that will be a formula for good health. However, if all of your choices are bad ones, then cutting back doesn’t change big picture much at all. On popular health websites, we often hear about grass fed, free range, no hormones, no antibiotics, humane conditions and other family farm safe and healthy practices. We also hear about kosher ways of keeping and preparing meat, but most surface type browsing for knowledge doesn’t change peoples’ core habits, so let’s delve further into what benefits come from consuming animals that are grass fed and live their whole lives chemical free, including not consuming pesticide-laden GMO feed.




People believe they must eat meat to get enough protein for their recommended daily allowance (RDA), but nothing could be further from the truth. Meat from animals actually makes the body work harder because it needs the amino acids which are found in protein consumed, but the body has to do a lot of extra work to get to them. Those same amino acids are found in raw fruits and vegetables. So, if you’re going to consume meat and thus make your body work hard, you may as well get your meat from animals that do not have diseases, disorders and digestive malfunction from being fed grains which are not their natural choice. In other words, any choice of CAFO (confined animal feeding operations) corporate-bred animal is a bad choice for protein. 




Most Americans, out of pure ignorance and convenience, don’t think twice about grabbing packaged meat off grocery shelves, and do so without reading labels. In addition the age old American food regimen suggests meat as a major food group and therefore people have been brainwashed to believe that if they don’t consume meat with their meals, that they are not eating a balanced meal.  If you want a balanced meal chock full of protein and amino acids, avoid franchise restaurants and conventional grocery stores and seek out family owned farmers who keep their farms and animals natural and chemical free.  After all which is more expensive, good food or chronic medical care? I say quality food. 


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