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A “cavalcade of injustices” floods America and people are escalating the protests


When people are expecting “the end” they pray. When men and women are on death row and know they’re going to die, they see their lives flash before their eyes, and just before the lethal injection or the electrocution, they say something powerful, either out loud or just to themselves, in hopes of some kind of redemption, or saving grace, or maybe somehow, miraculously, they’ll be saved and be able to change things, in this life, or maybe even in the next.


All the same, when people see, hear, feel and experience tragedy, they pray and join forces. After 9/11, one of the strongest joining of heartfelt forces sent a wave of positivity throughout the U.S. and people were less judgmental and more about helping each other, at least for a little while. Today, we all feel the “heat” and the angst of the recession, depression, impending financial apocalypse, and the threat of GMO food takeover. Today, we all feel the threat of disease and soil destruction. Today, we all feel the system caving, where politicians are more greedy than EVER BEFORE in history. Today more people are joining forces at protests, at organic gatherings, at marches to their capital cities, and at the March against Monsanto!




From the BIG LIE about weapons of mass destruction to the NDAA destruction of the Bill of Rights, Mike Adams covers the mayhem Americans are put through in this modern era. With a team of over 20 Journalists and Reporters, the truth is told on, and the whistleblowers make their way to the news desk to back up all the reports with experience from the inside. Congress members, military, ex-military, police and scientists blow the whistle on the biggest scams our government lays upon us, and that’s when people rise up and MUST be heard! People are getting sick to “death” (pardon the pun) and the protests are becoming more dogmatic, more spirited, more effective, even more physical, as the mental state heats up and ripens for something big.


Learn why Texas is uniquely positioned to secede from the union and run itself as an independent nation state:


From the BIG LIE at Sandy Hook to the BIG LIE at Benghazi, the aftermath anger about gun control and the big FED ploy to take away Americans ability to protect themselves from a rogue government becomes blatant and in need of addressing. States as a whole are waking up to the tyranny, the slow cooked death of liberty, the passive aggression, the undercover lie, the two party fixed dictatorship, the fake Wars in the Middle East. The IRS is lying through their teeth and Obama will probably just find a scapegoat, persecute temporarily, then totally parden him/her before leaving office. We’ve seen it all before!


But gun control is at the heart of all of this, and here’s a story that will blow your mind:


New Jersey Senate Gun Control hearings prompt a group collective of the Pledge of Allegiance!


“As seen in this video, a couple of individuals who attempted to speak were made to leave by a court police officer, but when one man - Frank Fiamingo, president of the New Jersey Second Amendment Society - had enough of the Senate panel's dismissive attitude, he organized the dozens of attendees into reciting the Pledge of Allegiance”

Learn more:


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