When something works very well, you don't have to fake the
science or engineering behind it, and all the experts know if you do. Well,
most of them. Currently, top CDC scientists are BLOWING THE WHISTLE about
vaccine fraud concerning safety and efficacy testing of the MMRII vaccine -
measles, mumps and rubella. But why? Doesn't everyone think vaccines are
perfect and have no side effects, like seizures and death? Maybe they've missed
out on hearing the "key informants" who left the CDC due to high
level FAKE research!
FISH WITH LARGE-SCALE EARTHQUAKE DETECTOR The Signs of the Disaster, seemed to have felt a week before the incident by a group of Oarfish. Swarm of Fish were found stranded on the Coasts of Japan, a week before the Tsunami swept the East Coast of Japan… According to the Ancient Customs of Japan, these Fish swim to the surface and the beach as a Harbinger of the Coming Earthquake. Some Scientists believe the Fish that live in the deep ocean is Very Sensitive to Movement of the Earth and usually always Precede the Occurrence of Earthquakes…. http://beforeitsnews.com/strange/2013/10/oarfish-fish-with-large-scale-earthquake-detector-believed-to-herald-earthquakes-2452196.html http://naturalnewstracker.wordpress.com/2013/11/08/some-fish-swim-from-japan-to-california-in-3-weeks-over-and-over-so-what-makes-you-think-fukushima-radiation-isnt-swimming/ The giant Oarfish can grow up to five metres in length and is usually to be found at depths of...
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