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Picture this:


You're watching CNN at 6pm and they announce that your city is going on lockdown immediately because of an Ebola virus outbreak that showed up at a nearby hospital and has affected three people, including a baby. Your home city and town has received National attention because the Ebola virus has a 70% kill rate and they must contain it.


Here's the announcement: "The Emergency Broadcast System has announced a mandatory lockdown of all residents of (your city here). All civilians are required to stay in their homes until further notice from DHS and FEMA. If a representative comes to your door and you are harboring any known Ebola victims or if you suspect a family member has contracted the disease, let the authorities know immediately and that person or persons will be removed from danger and taken to appropriate FEMA quarantine quarters until the threat of death has passed. ZMapp innoculations will be available to infants and elderly, as they are more susceptible to infection."


After the announcement, it is likely that water supplies will be cut off, as Ebola can spread through the municipal taps. If you or your family runs out of food or water, go on the Affordable Care Act website and simply request help. FEMA representatives will prioritize emergency care lists and arrive at your home as soon as possible. Any civilians out on the streets will be emergency quarantined or possible killed by authorities for the sake of the masses. Remember, everything America does is for the greater good, just like 9/11, Sandy Hook massacre and the Boston bombing at the Marathon.


CDC - the "center for disease continuance"


Ebola may NOT be treated with anything natural of this Earth. Anyone attempting to use colloidal silver, oil of oregano, or powerful mushroom compounds will be considered a terrorist and a threat to the pharmaceutical industry, which is always looking out for the interest of the masses. The CDC, center for disease continuance, relies on vaccines to control diseases that Biotech creates in laboratories, so natural healers should take heed. Practicing fighting disease without a license and without 8 years of medical training is illegal in America, even if it works.


Also, since Ebola is contagious during the first two weeks, before any symptoms even show, CNN will be sure to reassure Americans that this is not the case, as they did last night on a special about Ebola. So, if you flew on a plane with someone who NOW is diagnosed with Ebola, you may have it. CNN doesn't want you to panic though. Go to work, buy useless materialistic items to support the economy, and pay your taxes. The CDC has it all under control, just like autism, AIDS and Polio. The CDC is very good at leaving Anthrax vials in lab areas that are not locked down also, so no worries about that threat.


Finally, pay NO ATTENTION  to the open border on the south side of the United States, as only Mexicans who do not have Ebola cross at will. No persons from Africa live in Mexico or go there for vacation, so the CDC can assure all Americans that the mass influx of thousands of illegal aliens daily has no bearing on Ebola spreading like wildfire in the Southwest.


This has been a public service announcement from the Natural Health News reporters who confront reality and protect their families from the corrupt "world" of Western medicine and politics.


Stay tuned for more here:  






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