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E-cig secondhand vapors contain heavy metal toxins - Now what to do? Quit before New Year's Eve!!

New TOXIC elements entering the air as e-cig vapors COME OUT everywhere! We knew it! Natural News health enthusiasts are always thinking outside the box and ahead of the curve. We all suspected that e-cigs, or "electronic cigarettes" were not such a great idea for the non-smokers, who sit around wondering if there's nicotine, heavy metal toxins, or just plain processed poison coming out of the mouths and lungs of the e-cig fanatics, who seem to puff on these things even more often and heavier than the cigarettes themselves.


Could LEAD be coming out? Yes, according to new research, and FOUR TIMES the amount of cigarette exhale (second hand smoke).


Nickel, zinc and chromium are also coming out of E-cigs into the rooms where smoking was banned, and is banned. Oooops. Are babies breathing in nicotine too??




It's only been about 3 years since e-cigs went "viral" and now billions are spent on these by old smokers and new, young ones. They're all STILL ADDICTED  to nicotine, but they will speak so highly of ecigs, because for many it got them off "all those chemicals" in cigarettes. But now it's time for those living in denial to stop smoking or stop 'vaping' nicotine, because it can control your emotions and ruin your self confidence, your health, and lead you right into failure or worse, cancer.


Here's some from the report on Natural News: "E-cigs have added new toxic elements to the equation, because the metal cartridges are manufactured with them. Nickel levels were recorded at four times higher in e-cig vapor than normal cigarette smoke."


The study was collaborated with colleagues from the National Institute of Cancer Research in Milan, Italy, who quantified the level of exposure to harmful metals in secondhand smoke to provide insight for regulatory authorities.

Learn more:  


Wanna quit smoking cigs, e-cigs, and end YOUR nicotine addiction?


Check out the natural method 14& Out that's recommended by the Health Ranger Mike Adams: The program boasts a 60% success rate, far higher than anything else on the market and it's an organic course that you learn in 60 minutes via streaming video:


 Here's a free preview:


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