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First Ebola, now EMP – different issues that are threatening to hamper world peace and safety!

According to Natural News, Obama Administration officials have released new intelligence indicating that North Korea is building mobile ICBMs that will soon be able to reach the United States. This was reported in The Washington Times, which states, "New intelligence indicates that North Korea is moving ahead with building its first road-mobile intercontinental ballistic missile, an easily hidden weapon capable of hitting the United States."

ICBMs carry nuclear warheads, and they can easily target cities on the West Coast such as Los Angeles or Seattle. But even this threat doesn't compare to the "doomsday weapon" that China or Russia could almost certainly launch right now: a high-altitude EMP (HEMP) weapon.

HEMP weapons are detonated in the high atmosphere, theoretically as high as 300 miles above the ground. Once detonated, the energy released by these weapons interacts with the earth's magnetic field, producing an extremely fast and powerful electromagnetic burst that rushes to the ground at 94% of the speed of light, slamming everything on the ground with as much as 50,000 volts per square meter at high amps.
Instantly, many automobiles, televisions, cell phones, air conditioners, airplanes, radios, military electronics and satellites will become obsolete, as they will be out of service. In fact, such an attack would also take out the backup generators and control electronics for active nuclear power plants, which could unleash a wave of nuclear meltdowns across the USA – something that has already been reported on Natural News.

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The spread of Ebola to the USA is "inevitable," said the head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Thursday. Tom Frieden made the statement in a House Subcommittee hearing,
adding that he does not think there will be a "large Ebola outbreak" in the U.S.

Ken Isaacs, vice president of program and government relations at the Christian aid group Samaritan's Purse, warned, "the world is woefully ill-equipped to handle the spread of Ebola. It is clear that the disease is uncontained and it is out of control in West Africa. The international response to the disease has been a failure," as reported by Agence France-Presse.

"If you read the Ministry of Health status reports coming out every day from Liberia, I don't mean to be dramatic, but it has an atmosphere of 'Apocalypse Now' in it," said Isaacs, as reported by

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