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GMO consumption – the main cause of cancer worldwide

According to Natural News, the rise in food allergies and gluten sensitivities are evidence that GM foods have impacted the global food chain in negative and dangerous ways.

As such, millions of Americans agree that, at the very minimum, GM foods ought to carry labeling designating them as such -- just like the labeling requirements for ingredients in other foods.

Some states are beginning to get the message and are responding to demands by their citizens to require such labeling. As reported by Prevention magazine, Connecticut and Maine are two states that are moving in that direction.

So far, the federal government has resisted requiring GM foods to be labeled, no doubt in part due to intense lobbying by the food industry (as happened in the defeat of a California labeling initiative), which does not want to label GM foods, for some reason. But such resistance to labeling means that Americans who want to avoid GM foods are basically on their own to figure out what to avoid.

As reported by Prevention:

To the rescue: the Environmental Working Group (EWG), a pro-GMO-labeling environmental nonprofit, has just released a Shopper's Guide to Avoiding GE Foods to make it a little easier for people to avoid GMOs (GMO and genetically engineered, or GE, are used interchangeably to describe these crops).

The reason why it is so important to require GMO labeling is because of their potential to cause ill effects in those who consume them. Besides the fact that such crops have never been adequately tested for safety, the EWG says that GM foods are increasing the amount of herbicide-resistant weeds that no longer die when they are sprayed with Monsanto's Roundup, which the seeds were bred to resist.

As such, farmers are increasingly being forced to use more and more potent and toxic herbicides in order to compensate. Also, the widespread adoption of GM crops by American farmers has endangered organic farming due to unintended contamination of organic crops (mostly through agricultural run-off and cross-pollination, when pollen blows from a GMO farm to an organic one).

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American farmers are going public in what, to date, has been a back-room battle with two big agricultural giants over the kinds of herbicides that can be sprayed on certain crops. The details might sound like a chemistry lesson to some, but the farmers believe that what’s at stake is not only their livelihoods but possibly the social fabric of America’s farming communities.

The problem: One agricultural company has agreed with the farmers’ concerns and changed its plans. Another, though, is resisting, and the farmers are not happy.


This group of Midwest vegetable farmers has failed to convince Monsanto to reformulate an herbicide that could become one of the most widely used in the nation. But they were able to get another company, Dow AgroSciences, to agree to changes to an herbicide it has on the market. Those changes will protect their fields, the farmers say.

Monsanto officials “have just dug their feet in,” said Steve Smith, chairman of the Save Our Crops group.

“I’m not here to be a salesman for Dow, but I’m here to stand up when people do the right thing,” he said. “Dow did.”

The trouble concerns two herbicides, 2,4-D and dicamba. Both have been used for more than 40 years in small amounts, but are about to get a lot more popular.

New corn and soybean varieties genetically modified to withstand these herbicides are expected to be approved in the next few years. The federal comment period for one, 2, 4-D, ended on March 11.

These vegetable farmers have no problems with GM crops. Rather, the veggie farmers are concerned about a much older problem with the herbicides — something called drift.

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