What’s your poison? Do you drink a
lot of coffee? Do you smoke cigarettes? Do you drink alcohol often? Maybe you
smoke pot. Tell me you didn’t used to party, like with the white stuff? Okay
George W. Bush and Obama, tell us ‘bout them college days. Have you ever, or
are you currently smoking crystal meth? What about smack? Do you shoot up or
did you not see the movie “Trainspotting?” Where is this all going, you’re
probably asking. It’s going in one ear and out the other. You aren’t listening,
hearing, or even thinking clearly, if you’re on drugs, or “on” media, meaning
TV and newspaper addiction. Where are you getting your news, and worse, for how
long has that been your source? Please, don’t say the New York Times or the
“Post.” Don’t say some acronym you claim is the fulcrum of all information,
telling you what you’ve already decided is news. Check out the commercials and
the ads, if you want to know what news you are buying into. It’s that simple.
Ask yourself right now: Are there
ads for dangerous medications? Are there ads to treat all the manmade diseases?
Is there never a cure for anything? There’s a cure for your bad news. Turn off
the TV, burn the newspapers in your fire pit, and for God’s sake, put the drugs
down and use your brain. Natural News enthusiasts know exactly what I’m talking
about: Personal freedom. Individuality. Creativity. Life. Spirit and Energy.
Natural Health. http://www.naturalnews.com/035429_intelligent_life_universe_planets.html
So, do you mainly believe what
your best friends or significant other believes? Do you mainly believe in what
you’ve heard for years? Did you choose what you believe or did someone else do
that for you? Did you know most of the news on TV is edited and scripted based
on fictional events, and some newscasters are the best actors, reading the
script they also believe is a lie, they are just good at communicating the
message to you, in that “familiar” way. They earn their living and they could
care less about you or me. Get it? If you think abortion should be illegal, or
automatic guns legal, do you think that because you saw some horrific story on
TV that persuaded you, or some activists getting maced and beaten by cops on
the front page of the paper? What was the official story there? What about guys
who serve only two years in prison for raping a woman but the guy in the next
cell is serving 10 to 15 years for possessing a bag of pot?
Adams brings you the hard line truths about illegal and “legal” drugs. Consider
everything, starting with your own mind. It's important to understand that most
beliefs are shaped by social pressure, not by a personal examination of
philosophy and ethics. Most of your own beliefs, in other words, were handed
to you by someone else, and you chose to believe them because it was
consistent with the social influences you experienced at the time.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/043933_decriminalization_philosophy_personal_beliefs.html#ixzz2taNrazAH
more from the Health Ranger:
“What if
I told you there is an incredibly simple way to tell not only who's good and
who's bad, but also how to tell who is pushing absolute evil onto our world?
This method is remarkably accurate, and you can use it right now to assess
almost anyone. It all starts with understanding the spectrum of control
vs. empowerment.”
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/040122_control_empowerment_philosophy.html#ixzz2taTWOXHz
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/040122_control_empowerment_philosophy.html#ixzz2taTWOXHz
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