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Pork laden with drugs and bacteria giving rise to diseases in human beings

Natural News has been voicing its stance against the over-consumption of pork in America for quite some time now. Though pork is not at all regarded as a food in many parts of the world, American people take delight in consuming pork every now and then. But as the reason of concern is gradually coming to light, people are becoming more and more conscious about the consumption of pork. Pork is obtained from pigs that are fed with all sorts of GMO foods and antibiotics in order to hasten their growth.

According to a report published in Consumer Reports, several food items made of pork were found to contain a considerable amount of antibiotic resistant bacteria and some growth hormones. It is a widely known phenomenon that pigs are fed with GMO foods and antibiotics to induce growth and resistance to diseases. But its impact on humans was unknown. The latest studies show that the drugs and hormones that are used on pigs are giving rise to antibiotic resistant superbugs whose onset is impossible to counter. Superbugs cannot be treated with any medicine and hence can annihilate the entire human population in one place before moving to another. Moreover, the growth hormones that are used on the pigs can give rise to cancer in both men and women.

It has become an evil practice to feed healthy animals with chemicals. But it has also started to take its toll on human beings. The food giants, being only concerned about earning profits, hardly have any time to think about the general people. Natural News reports that even though the overuse of drugs and hormones is leading to a massacre, food giants and the government are the least bothered. They are only concerned about their business, even if it causes lives to be put in jeopardy.  


Natural News reveals conspiracy theories that come true! 







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