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Thugs at the airports? Yes - TSA pulls scanners; resists third party safety testing!

After much has been said and done, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has finally decided to pull out the naked body scanners. Good move. But why now and why so late; and the most important question is how this is being done to protect the interests of the authorities so that they can save  face in front of all the humiliation that they have been facing what with all the negative publicity? In actuality, allowing these scanners to be used on yourself is equivalent to welcoming cancer with open arms - surely you had no way of knowing this. But now that you know, you need to stand up against such incidents and speak for your health.
Ironically, these scanners used by the TSA are supervised by people whose records are already tainted with criminal pasts and they are the ones who get to scan your naked body and judge whether you are a danger or not. To top it all off, your body is being exposed to cancerous rays every time you are asked to pass through these scanners. Beat that if you will.

The decision to pull scanners from New York City's LaGuardia and John F. Kennedy International airports has been announced by Janet Napolitano, head of the Department of Homeland Security - which oversees the TSA. But look at their justifications – it is a strategic move in which these scanners are being replaced with backscatter, x-ray machines. Strategic indeed. But have you any idea that these scanners are equally harmful? When the TSA was asked to allow a third party to test and verify the safety of these scanners, they refused. Not so sure anymore, are we?

welcoming cancer with open arms 
Considering the fact that TSA itself has been under the scanner for groping “kids, grandmothers and busty women, while allowing the criminals it hire to rob passengers blind,” the question is, why should we trust them to be considerate about the passenger’s health? Just something to think about while you browse through the latest news and updates about this in Natural News.

While the Central Intelligence Agency has a history of paying off petty tyrants and thugs in its quest to keep America safe, no regular federal agency would purposely seek out and hire the dregs of society. Right?


Enter the illustrious Transportation Security Administration. Are you surprised?

According to "Rob," a TSA supervisor-turned-whistleblower, in an interview with the Alex Jones Show, the agency's brass is directing staff to hire degenerates - people with criminal records who have exhibited violent tendencies and psychopathic behavior.

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The definition of "rape" was expanded this week by the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) Criminal Justice Advisory Policy Board, following a barrage of emails from feminist activists who demanded change. The old definition was too narrow, many women argued, and needed to be updated. For one thing, it didn't cover rape by women against women, or men against men, and we've all seen just how much of that goes on these days thanks to organizations like Penn State and the Catholic Church.

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