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Kale and spring water - two of life’s essentials!

Kale and spring water two of life’s essentials, but pesticides and plastic bottles can ruin everything. What to do? Let’s first look at what is contaminating most conventional bottled water, and whether that water is spring water or just tap water to begin with, in some of these cases, won’t even matter. The chemicals released into the water from the plastic would contaminate almost anything natural, ruining the minerals, the nutrients, the nutritional value as a whole, and making the water toxic to drink, even when it tastes normal or “okay.” So we start with the chemical exposure:

DEHF, a plasticizer chemical is used to make plastic bottles more flexible. Clearly identified in tested water as the most consistent and obvious culprit of anti-estrogenic activity. Plus read about trace amounts of more than 24,000 other potentially damaging chemicals:

BPA or Bisphenol-A: Are you wondering why there are so many breast cancer cases in the USA? Wonder why the numbers are going up fast? I have one word and one letter for you: Bisphenol-A. Disrupt a woman’s hormones artificially and you get breast tumors. Disrupt a man’s hormones artificially and you get testicular cancer. Do the math. It’s not that hard to figure out that Corporations make money off of families who have children with birth defects, and they make money off dying men, and they make money off women who are in and out of surgery trying to get rid of those lumps, where their body is trying it’s best to contain all those artificial hormones and their disruptors.

The Greens Battle:

 "Conventional vs. Organic" Kale and other green veggies:

Kale may just be the most nutritional food on the planet. There are superfoods and super herbs and natural remedies for every ailment, disorder and “disease” out there, but the driving force of life is Kale. If you were stranded on an island, but you had plenty of spring water and Kale, you just might make it.

But what you spilled a gallon of chemicals all over the kale, could you still survive? Would it still have any nutrients, or would it eat away at your gut flora, your good gut bacteria, and would it warp your cells and give you cancer before that rescue ship would come? Some people know what to eat, but they don’t know what kind or where to get the untainted, natural and organic kind from. Where will YOU get your vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, antioxidants??

First, you should know what NOT to eat:

Here are 55 Pesticide Residues found by the USDA Pesticide Data Program:

The test results for greens; Kale come from test year 2008 and includes pesticides that are moderately acutely toxic, highly acutely toxic or chronically toxic.

Honey bees are suffering, rats in labs are suffering, and humans are suffering. Do not eat pesticide kale. Do not drink fluoride water and plastic chemical water. Do your own research. Find out the truth about what you eat and drink, and forever filter your intake for the good. Stay organic, you were born that way!

Swiss chard, turnip greens and spinach

Known especially for its rich vitamin K and folate content, spinach is also packed with vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, antioxidants and fiber, helping to improve digestion and even vision.

Acid-Alkaline Forming Foods

 A balanced diet contains 20% acid forming foods and 80% alkaline.

A neutral pH is considered 7 so a pH above 7 is alkaline and a pH below 7 is acid. The pH of blood is 7.4. This means that it is slightly alkaline. This alkalinity has to be kept almost constant; even minor variations are dangerous. Test your own pH wherever you are, periodically throughout the day. It’s not difficult and you can learn which foods to eat to keep it balanced! Follow natural news and the Health Ranger Mike Adams for more on this:

“You can test your own pH simply and inexpensively. All you need are some pH test strips. Tear off two three-inch strips. As you as you awaken, before you drink or eat anything, put some saliva on the test strip. Compare the color to a pH color chart that comes with the test strips. Next, measure the pH of your second urination of the morning. To do this, urinate on the strip or collect the urine in a plastic or glass (not paper) cup and dip the test strip. Again, compare the color to the pH color chart. Decker Weiss, N.M.D., of Scottsdale, Arizona, recommends doing the saliva and urine tests for 10 mornings in a row. "Ignore the top three and bottom three tests because they're extremes. Average the remaining four to determine your pH," he says. Weiss aims for a pH of 6.8 to 7 in his heart patients, and 7.2 to 7.4 in his osteoporosis patients. You can retest a few weeks after changing your eating habits.”

You can order the test strips from or by calling 888.206.7119. One roll, which is good for a few dozen tests.

Alkalize your body with GREENS, organic GREENS and real Spring water

 Go to and get REAL spring water for your family!!  Take a trip!



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