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“FREE TRADE” means America is strong-arming 12 nations into buying GMO toxic food with no labels

Welcome to the food holocaust, brought to you by the TPP, the “Trans Pacific Partnership” – should be called the TOXIC PUNISHMENT PLAN to force feed the world GMO, and its flying under the radar of LAW and REGULATION, so nobody, no business, lawyer or judges can ever “take them down” and spoil their world domination of food and the business side control of bad food and bad medicine. It’s like a tsunami of health disaster and it’s heading straight for 12 countries around the world. Pesticide food and Insecticide Food is being marketed without labels, without research, without warnings, and it’s being marketed as if it’s good for the world, good for people, good for health, and nobody needs to know what’s in it or how it’s grown, created in labs, and processed with chemicals. This is all top SECRET knowledge, and its up to the world to trust the food scientists, who interned with NAZI scientists and learned how to poison people with bug killer and weed killer, except instead of using gas chambers they use grocery stores with unlabeled “food stuff.”
Enter the Holocaust of 2013. Welcome to the food holocaust. You thought your Government was looking out for you? They don’t just want to buy your slow chemical fed death, they want countries around the world to buy it too. Would you get a vaccine if they said they can’t tell you what’s in it? You do it every day when you “inject” GMO food into your body. There’s a war on right now for your health, it’s called TPP, the Toxic Punishment Plan, and you can find out what’s happening on Natural News, because you can bet your last housing bubble dollar you won’t hear about it on CNN or FOX news: “A purely executive creation of the Office of the United States Trade Representative -- i.e. created outside of law with zero public accountability -- the TPP involves White House loyalists running around the world, strong-arming over a dozen nations into signing on to a corporate domination agreement knowingly misnamed "free trade."

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Welcome to the food holocaust
The countries currently involved in the TPP include the United States, Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam. More are being bullied into signing the agreement with each passing month. Although the exact language of the TPP is a tightly-protected secret, it is reported that the TPP will require:

• Dropping of all bans on GMOs. All countries signing the TPP must allow GMOs to be grown in their country and secretly used throughout the food supply -- all GMO labeling will be outlawed.

• Shutting down all generic drug manufacturers who make "copycat" drugs that compete with the monopoly patents of top
U.S. drug makers.

• Redefining resistance against GMOs as "anti-free trade practices" that can result in economic sanctions against nations that attempt to ban GMOs.

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Nazi scientists invented Chemo, do you take it? It’s treatment that doesn’t work for chemical food disease. This is the back end of the TPP food control agenda:
This is the end of food safety for countries that “participate” in TPP!
Vote these politicians out of office, never to participate in food politics again. End the reign of food terror! Support Ron Paul and food freedom. Wake up. Smell the coffee everybody. Tune into Natural News and free yourself from this food tyranny!
10 reasons why even democrats, liberals and progressives are choosing Ron Paul

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Ron Paul would seek to eliminate FDA censorship of the scientifically-validated health claims for herbs, nutritional supplements and natural remedies

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