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Two significant decisions regarding GMO can alter the face of mankind!

According to Natural News, the Monsanto Protection Act, essentially both written by and benefiting the Monsanto Company, has been signed into law by United States President Barrack Obama.

Some other interesting things to keep in mind:

    - The bill was apparently written by freshman Sen. Roy Blunt in collusion with Monsanto, with them helping to craft the exact language of the document.

    - “The Center for Responsive Politics notes that Sen. Blunt received $64,250 from Monsanto to go towards his campaign committee between 2008 and 2012. The Money Monocle website adds that Blunt has been the largest Republican Party recipient of Monsanto funding as of late.”

    - Many members of Congress were apparently unaware that the “Monsanto Protection Act” was a part of the spending bill that they were voting on.

    - Obama had no problem signing it into law (not really a surprise, as he’s been rather soft on GMO policy).

    - The bill will only remain in effect for a limited time, but it’s a bad sign. With the ease that this bill passed, it’ll be interesting to see what future bills look like.

For more information, log onto:

As the Genetic Literacy Project reports, in an endorsement of the co-existence of genetically modified and organic farming, the Western Australian Supreme Court today rejected claims by a farmer who contended that his organic-certified farm was “contaminated” by a neighboring farmer growing GM canola.

“I am not satisfied that in 2010 Mr. Baxter breached any (lesser) duty of reasonable care,” Justice Kenneth Martin wrote in his judgment.

Organic farmer Steve Marsh had sued his neighbor and former friend, Michael Baxter, claiming that GM canola from Baxter’s land had drifted onto his organic oats, rye and sheep farm in Kojonup, Western Australia. The National Association of Sustainable Agriculture Australia (NASAA) temporarily suspended Marsh’s organic certification on about 70 percent of his property in late 2010. Marsh sought financial compensation of $85,000 (AU) from Baxter, as well as a permanent court injunction banning Baxter from planting GM crops.

To see some fascinating and interesting clips regarding the issues of GMO labeling and contamination and more, one can easily log onto:






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