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Counterfeit Turmeric sold on - - Health Ranger says watch out for third party “nutritional product” resellers!

Confirmed: Counterfeit Turmeric sold on - - Health Ranger says watch out for third party “nutritional product” resellers!


E-commerce leader Amazon does not have “policing” in place for counterfeit sellers who markup products bought from original manufacturers and mail out relabeled products decreased or severely compromised in integrity. This shocking news about the on-line “nutrition” selling giant comes as a wake up call to many health enthusiasts who have been buying their supplements on line from what they thought were legitimate sellers with legitimate products.




Having many “throwaway” accounts allow sellers to retain visibility on If they screw up or someone complains, they just throw on a new mask, and sell it to you as “my-discount-shopper” or whatever. Natural News is alerting all humans about this health threat – because certainly the last thing you want is your supplements doing the exact opposite of what they are capable. Look for organic supplements and check out recommendations by the Health Ranger as posted at the Natural News store:



Natural News, a consumer advocacy whistleblower news organization, has learned and confirmed that  counterfeit dietary supplement companies are very easily able to repeatedly and successfully sell a multitude of counterfeit nutritional products through”


The Health Ranger continues: “But I no longer buy nutritional products sold on by third-party resellers. If I'm shopping for a supplement on and it's being offered by a name I don't recognize -- like "MyDiscountShopper" or whatever -- I simply don't trust it. The risk of buying a counterfeit product through right now is simply too high.”

Learn more:

Five-Star Counterfeit Products on


Stars are dished out (ratings) of products based on whether or not they are “identical” and it doesn’t really matter who’s selling them. That’s the major problem. So if you have a good counterfeit of a product, you can pretty much look like a pro, selling your “original” stuff and no worries about police beating down your “business doors.” Will you be arrested for “hijacking” high ratings you don’t deserve for your products? What about E-Bay and Craigslist, how much better or worse are things on those reseller platforms and e-commerce “shelves?” Can you get a 6 star rating? What’s a 5 star refund look like?


Health Ranger says DO NOT buy nutritional products on Amazon until they get their act straight on policing these counterfeit items and these 5 star “reseller” ratings that are not appropriate, to say the least. We all hope Amazon will fix this because Natural News enthusiasts can find great books and DVD’s, and when you know what you’re looking for that quality is reliable!

Here is coverage of other MAJOR retailers engaged in moving “compromised” products:



Whole Foods caught in GMO marketing deception, false advertising - here's the proof



Natural brands betray consumers over GMO labeling: NaturalNews issues boycott of Kashi, Silk, Larabar and more


Silk, SoyDream, Pacific Natural Foods and Vitasoy all Rebuked in New Soy Scorecard Ratings

Learn more:



Interview: Organic Consumers Association's Ronnie Cummins tells the truth about organic milk that isn't

Learn more:



Remember this in 2011:

ConAgra sued for label fraud, GMO oils labeled 100% Natural

Learn more:


  1. There are lot of reseller program for natural supplements running around the country that has helped people to partner in curing people effectively and make money alongside.


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