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Modern Science just doesn’t “get it” and Mike Adams explains why; a Natural News “beyond” exclusive!

It’s time to set science free. It’s been trapped for decades now in a mind-numbing 2 dimensional universe of bad food, bad medicine, and dead end, negative thinking. The Western capitalistic state of existence has painted itself into a corner, and the masses are just following along, believing that when we die, there’s nothing else, and while we’re alive, we are all just food-bots and work-bots, who simply go through the motions, birth – school – work - death, and drop off eventually from some toxic overload that ends our “earth bound” brain and soul connection to the universe. It’s time to set science free, and let it explore evolution again, and the soul’s connection to everything. It’s time to ignore the liars, the control freaks, the politicians, and the so called “science” that tries to destroy the beauty and the creative forces that are a part of everything, from humans to animals, to plants to genes, to minerals and flowers, to space and quantum “entanglement.”  


Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, explains this well: “What we see in the natural world -- in ecosystems, plants, animals and even humans -- is not explainable through natural selection alone. There exists intention, consciousness and a seeming desire to achieve complex goals by taking fantastic evolutionary leaps which modern science cannot explain.”

Modern science is mostly a hoax and a distraction from true science. Medicine is based on cutting out disease and dousing it with chemicals. NASA is focused on finding some expanding matter so they can label it and say they have the answers to everything “material.” Science taught in schools barely challenges children’s critical thinking and is void of critical, creative, imaginative thinking because that’s too hard to grade, “too hard to test,” and just too hard to account for? And why is that? Everything is dumbed down. Evolution is “religious talk!” But go ahead and say the pledge of allegiance, to a nation Under God. Why are we “under” Him again? And is it a Him, Her, or a creative force? Can we even talk about it? NO! Not allowed in modern science. It’s not factual. But politics are! And commercials for drugs that cover up disease are “scientific.” It’s time to understand and appreciate much greater forces than our egos. It’s time to consider free will, genius thinking, universal evolution, and total consciousness.


Mike Adams is very insightful here. His wording really helps grasp this concept and appreciate its power:


“Consciousness and free will overrides DNA. While you may have an inherited tendency toward a particular behavior, you can choose to override that behavior as a matter of choice. The mind trumps the mechanics, in other words, if the mind is sufficiently trained. There is more to human consciousness than brain chemistry. There is more to biology than genetics and natural selection.”


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