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Natural News Radar being tilted! Corruption and criminality in America breeding anger in public


The corruption and crime of the U.S. government have pushed Americans to the last limit of tolerance. The steady degeneration in the social, political, economic as well as moral realms has become unbearable for sensible citizens and as a result a surge in civil disobedience movements can be seen across the country, a reminder of the 1960’s. It is true that American citizens have become more aware of their own state and are now not ready to accept the hypocrisy of the rulers so easily. However, the government is also merciless in suppressing these movements and is taking resort to inhumane violence to confine the voice of rights and freedom, reports Natural News. Know more of this news at .


There is no control within the government as well. According to Lois Lerner, the top IRS official is being made a scapegoat by the Obama administration in order to cover a number of truths that would certainly not go well with the general public. Lois Lerner is now being investigated by the House on charges of improper scrutiny of the organizations who do not seem to comply with government directives. However, it is now being reported that Lerner is being used as a scapegoat in order to safeguard the President and his aides.


So, what is the use of staying with such a corrupt nation? While the fervor of patriotism seems too hard to ward off for many states, the southern state of Texas has the legal as well as the moral rights to secede from the present day, corruption ridden American “union.” According to Natural News, Texas reserves the full right to detach itself from the rest of the United States as it volunteered as a state of America without surrendering its power and retains the right to run its own affairs. Its only allegiance is towards the Constitution of the United States and has no obligation to the federal government that has failed to abide by the constitution. Know more at .




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