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Shocker! Natural News reveals that PSA testing causes cancer while Laetrile kills it!

PSA a total fraud: Read this:

The conventional cancer treatment methods create more cancer than they actually cure. According to Natural News 99.9 percent of Prostate Specific Antigen tests yield inconclusive results. The only sure result is that those who go through a PSA test needlessly get exposed to risks of getting infected with cancer.


The problem is so dire that the American Urological Association or AUA has announced that men below the age of 55 or over 70 need not undergo this test at all, reports Natural News. This suddenly renders the long reliable prostate cancer screening method not only useless but dangerous as well. Know more of this horrifying story at .


Urologists have divided men according to their ages and have specified who should undergo PSA testing and who should not. Men below the age of 40 should never undergo the test, Men aged between 40 and 55 years should not opt for the test if they are at an average risk. However, those in between 55 and 70 years should opt for the test only after consulting a well known physician and men over the age of 70 should probably skip the test as it is not going to alter their average life expectancy. Know more on this at .


While PSA is reported of being useless and being equipped with a potential of breeding cancer, natural substances like Laetrile and Vitamin C can cure cancer. Laetrile, also known as Vitamin B17 is composed of glucose, hydrogen cyanide and benzaldehyde. The cancerous cells attract the Laetrile from the bloodstream in order to extract glucose from it but instead get poisoned and killed by the substance.


It was previously thought that Laetrile is harmful for non-cancerous cells but latest researches show that it poses no harm to the rest of the body.



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