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Radar Alert - Natural News: Washington D.C. and the Global Bankers are all failing at grabbing guns and killing the Bill of Rights!


What? No, there's no Revolution, what are you talking about? A second American Revolution? What is all over the Natural News? Let's investigate the sources on this "Paul Revere" in 2013 - whistle-blowing news:
Have you seen the picture of Obama shooting a rifle? Is that a shotgun?

Have you seen the video of Piers Morgan shooting an AK-47?


Why would they do that after claiming all these guns are bad, bad, bad and need to be taken away from the citizens? Are those old photos and videos? Are they edited somehow? Did the conspiracy theorists get to them to make you paranoid? Nope.


They are real. And you guessed it …


These are brand new. Post Sandy Hook:


Isn’t it funny how the most “ingenious” people, those Ivy League grads and those lifelong politicians, they try so hard to succeed at fooling the masses, until they get so comfortable in their own shoes, that they slip up, BIG TIME, and the representatives and voices of the masses pop up out of those “grass roots” and deliver a knockout punch to the chin of the biggest lie? What lie is that, you ask? - The biggest cover up and the biggest “war” agenda ever. Now, if you don’t understand what the heck I’m “blogging” about, just read this: The writers of the Constitution were geniuses, not your Government of today: Follow the links and understand what is happening all around you:


Definition:; in·gen·ious:  /inˈjēnyəs/    Adjective; Clever, original, and inventive.
(of a machine or idea) Cleverly and originally devised and well suited to its purpose.


Millions of Americans buying up all guns and ammo available, and backorders for a year already in place!  Talk about a revolution “hunkering down.”


That’s right; Mike Adams and Natural News are reporting how the whole Sandy Hook incident has helped millions of Americans secure their Constitution, Bill of Rights, Personal Freedoms, and most of all, HEALTH AND SAFETY:


 “Instead of silencing all the gun advocates and owners across the nation, the effort has actually caused people to break their silence on the issue and go vocal with their true beliefs on the topic. I'm a perfect example of this: before Sandy Hook, I hardly ever mentioned firearms. After Sandy Hook, I've been one of the most outspoken voices of gun rights and the Second Amendment, and I've actually found that instead of losing an audience, I've gained a huge number of new subscribers who agree with me on this issue. Check the Alexa stats; Natural News is steadily gaining in web traffic even as we cover this issue.”

Learn more:


The Flaws of the Sandy Hook Cover up (274,000 views on youtube):


They shoot ‘em up on the big silver screen and then preach the opposite.


Just how stupid does the Government think we all are? Has the fluoridated water, the Aspartame, the MSG and the vaccines made zombies of 99%, or did it not work out so well for the 1% this time with Sandy Hook? Have you seen the bad actors, have you heard the lies, this one’s like a really bad independent film at some film festival.


Have you seen “Scream,” the mock horror film that makes fun of horror films?


Welcome to the Sandy Hook “Paranormal.” It’s like Friday the 13th, Part 10, but it’s happening in schools and movie theatres.


It’s like one of those home movies about a mass shooting, with a bad script, bad actors and really dumb police, investigators, and FBI guys, who wander around and pretend like there’s a tragedy. Remember how stupid the feds were in “Die Hard” with Bruce Willis?


I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. Get on the internet and watch documentaries and YouTube clips that get MILLIONS of views and shares. There’s a reason. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool ALL the people ALL the time!


Let me tell you this now, bloggers and researchers, the truth is out there and this time its in plain sight! Natural News knows. Mike Adams knows. Every word he writes is about protecting the health and safety of people, all you have to do is tune in. Knowledge is free and so is your intelligence. Forget about those Ivy League Lifetime Political Liars.


Get smart. Get healthy. Stay healthy. Stay safe:
Mike Adams: “While the gun grabbers hoped to demonize gun owners and "shame" them into somehow feeling guilty about Sandy Hook, what actually happened is that gun owners found new courage and American pride, and they have loudly voiced their intention to wage a war of resistance against any government that attempts to take their guns.”


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